Staying Sober Over Christmas

Stay sober over Christmas by taking some of our useful tips. Shoreline Recovery Center | Addiction Treatment Center in San Diego, 183 Calle Magdalena  Suite 101 Encinitas, California 92024, (858) 360-7185

It’s slowly reaching that festive time and Christmas is soon upon us. However with the festive time also comes a lot of partying, drinking and drugs that are circulating around premises such as work parties, family gatherings and generic Christmas nights out.

It’s important to remember that your journey of sobriety should still remain a top priority and therefore this means not caving in to just ‘one drink’ or a small sample of substances unless medically prescribed. By giving in to peer pressure for one night could result in all of your hard work going to waste and yourself or your loved one relapsing.

Although we also share a love for the Christmas period, we also want to remind you to stay strong and follow some of our top tips for staying sober over the Christmas.

Avoid Late Nights

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By avoiding late nights out with friends and family, you are keeping yourself away from any potential dangerous situations that could arise such as being peer pressured into taking drugs or alcohol. Late nights also include indoor and outdoor venues, i.e going to a family house until early hours of the morning. Make sure that you’re back home at a reasonable time but have spent a sufficient amount of time enjoying yourself around the people you love.

Surround Yourself With Friends and Family

Although this may sound controversial to the first point, make sure that you choose friends and family that you know care about you deeply and will not force you into any tough situations. Enjoying Christmas time with loved ones being sober will create happy memories that will last for a lifetime. Coincidentally, this may also give you the insight as to what sober living San Diego is like on a day-to-day basis.

Make People Aware of Your Sobriety

Following on from step 2, in order to stay sober over the Christmas period you should make anyone that you surround yourself with aware of your sobriety. If they are not accepting of this, we urge you to remove yourself from the situation and enjoy the Christmas festive time while surrounding yourself with people that care about your situation and would not do anything to cause harm.

Find Activities to Occupy Yourself

Keeping yourself and your mind occupied over the Christmas period will take your mind off craving any addictive substances. There are a plethora of activities that are awaiting at your doorstep without having to consume any alcohol or drugs; these may include board games, visiting Santa, turning on the lights, secret Santa presents and having way too much food!  

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